CDU-CM VMG and Program Outcomes

              “We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are” -Max Depree
        As I enter medical school in one of the most renowned medical schools in the Philippines, I see myself as a nobody who aims to be a somebody, however, medical school isn’t a place for the faint-hearted, it is a place where people try their hardest until one day someone could tell them “thank you, doctor”. CHED’s program outcomes for medical doctors provide a guide for aspiring doctors. With CDUCM’s vision and mission, I am confident that these outcomes will be attained by the students. 
            I have come to a realization that the transformation from being a medical student into a fully pledged doctor is not an easy path. I have looked into the eyes of my batchmates and I see mixed emotions deep into their souls. Joy, fear, hope and regret. Joy because they have reached a new journey in life, fear of failing our courses, hope that they may one day fulfill the dream of saving lives and regret on why they chose to pursue the dream, as an old saying would say “many are called but only few are chosen”. We all are dreamers, dreaming to become that person with the white coat; that person who chose endless nights of studying, the person who chose to sacrifice family activities to study. The person who chose life.
              As a simple girl living in a rural province of Mindanao, it has occurred to me that my people had small access to health care and medicine. I have seen in social media that people make fun of poor people buying alternative medicines that have not been proven to cure diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis and other life threatening diseases but the tragic truth to why poor people purchase alternative medicine is because they do not have the necessary financial support to buy the medicine or go see a doctor. It is my dream to help these people to get a better life that they deserve and have them cured because in CDUCM, I know we are not only trained to be competent but to be humane and compassionate to people who are in desperate need. 
          I am lucky enough that God has blessed me to study medicine in CDUCM. I am looking forward to staying up late at night studying and all those cups coffee to be consumed. I am looking forward to all those failed exams and quizzes. I am looking forward to share tears of sorrow and joy with my classmates when we fail and pass our exams in hopes that one day all those challenges along the way may mold us to become the doctor the world deserves because I believe superheroes are not the one s with those fancy capes, with those fancy powers but it is the people with white coats savings lives.
            This activity has led me to a better comprehension on what I will encounter. It has also led to my understanding that CDUCM will help me unlock all my capabilities hidden inside of me. It has made me remember why that little girl from the province dreamed of becoming a doctor—— to help the ones in need, to heed the call of others, to treat the patients equally no matter the social class, age or gender. I may not save the world, but I will save the life of the person who needs me. I may be just a nobody today, but  someday I’ll be there and I’ll look back on everything I experienced and smile at the heavens and say “it was all worth it”.



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