Statistics in Research

Statistics play an important role in our every day lives. It is used in different aspects and fields in the world, including engineering, decision-making, business, different industries, and most importantly, healthcare and medicine. Last Wednesday, we were given a lecture about statistics in research. It was about he difference between descriptive and inferential statistics, types of data, data description, measures of central tendency, variation and skewness, methods of data analysis, and methods of data presentation. Program outcomes learned were #4 (engage in research activities) and #7 (engage in continuing personal and professional development).

The lecture we had on statistics was delivered in a way that it will be easy for us to understand since we are really into medical field, and statistics is not our forte. The presentation was not too lengthy, but it was still giving a lot of information. I am so thankful that Mrs. Madelo was able to discuss it thoroughly and concisely. She even gave examples and asked us questions to make sure we were really listening to her lecture. Over all, it was a very interactive and fun lecture. 

I realized that statistics is not that bad after all. During my pre-med days, I used to hate statistics because I thought everything was so complicated, especially when it is applied to research. But after listening to the discussion, I was able to understand it clearly and now it is safe to say that statistics is in fact one of the most interesting topics in research. I believe that the lecture we had on biostatistics will really help us in conducting our research and it will be easier for us to analyze our data. 

I look forward to working with our statistician soon and I know that this time, it will be a lot easier and enjoyable because I have already understand a lot about statistics especially on  data analysis and presentation. Even though all of us in our group are already equipped with adequate amount of knowledge about statistics, I am still aiming to learn more from our statistician and I am still open for new experiences and understandings. 
I am very much thankful to our lecturer, Mrs. Madelo, for sharing with us her knowledge about statistics. It is such an honor to receive her time and effort just for me to gain more understanding in this field. I believe that the lecture we just had will really help us in fulfilling our goal which is to finish our tasks in research, and someday, help the people in the community by applying the knowledge we have just learned from the findings of our research. 


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